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Ron Buchholz, Director of Career & Leadership at UW-W

“I'm happy to endorse Tim Scully. I've worked with Tim in several capacities as Tim has been extensively involved in student leadership positions in our campus community. Tim is a highly dedicated, hard working student leader who gives 110% at all times. I am consistently impressed with Tim's initiative and follow-through, and find that I trust that he'll always complete the job on time and in a quality manner. Tim is a young man of integrity, who possesses strong values and ethics. He is a very good role model for other students striving to improve their leadership skill. It's been my privilege to know and work with Tim, he's an exceptional person!” 

Sharon Roy, Professor of Marketing at UW-Whitewater

“Tim Scully has an infectious personality that energizes those around him to motivate themselves to achieve more than mediocrity in their endeavors. I had the privilege of having Tim in two of my classes at UW Whitewater. Tim, unlike some other students, understood that learning in the classroom was an opportunity to be absorbed. Tim was always engaged in thinking and analzing the subject at hand. Certainly, the most important endeavor that Tim and I fought for was for incorporating a sustainability garden on campus, for which I had received a grant. Tim worked magically in getting his forces educated and informed on this issue and was truly an inspiration to me and others. He has an abundance of curiousity, determination, charisma and emotional intelligence to enable him to be a strong leader now and in the future.”

Karri Duerwachter, Student Government PR Director

“It is my pleasure to recommend Tim Scully. Tim is a hard worker all around. He carries this aura around with him that just burst confidence, dedication, and perseverance. I have worked with Tim in several groups in the last four years. I have seen him in too-many-to-count leadership positions and in each one he has been successful. He is always looking for new ways to get involved and make a difference. I constantly look to Tim for guidance and critiques with my graphic works, advertising campaigns, issues dealing with peers, and in personal life situations. Tim is unbelievably dependable and will put everyone before himself. He is always looking out for the greater good of his peers, friends, and co-workers. Any company with Tim under their wing should feel honored and lucky to be in touch with such an accomplished person!"

Kathy Craney, Career Counselor at UW-Whitewater

“Tim works in our office with a team of other students. I have observed him exhibit good team skills with participation and expressions of thoughtful ideas. I have also observed Tim working individually on graphic arts projects. His work was excellent and contributions useful in promoting our Involvement Center. We have used his design as a centerpiece for our marketing plan. I can highly recommend Tim to people who need someone that is creative, works well with others, and provides excellent custome